照片HDR后製,係以最佳的EasyHDR 3处理。
手机 :778-889-8522
电邮: peter@peterwen.ca
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手機 778-889-8522
Email peter@peterwen.ca
About us 我的履历About Peter Wen
After got Master Degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Illinois, I worked as a Research and Development engineer for Aeronautical Research Lab, CCIT in Taiwan. My major was jet engine for jet fighters. I also worked at Garret Turbine Engine Company in Phoenix, Arizona for many years during this time. 闻亭踵(正中), 祖籍江苏金坛,1953年出生于台湾。
My family and I moved to Canada in 1997 and I had worked for GEA Freezing since 1998. I designed and developed many spiral freezers for food industry. After promoted as R&D manaager, I designed and developed a multiple function lab, which is used to develope freezing curves of different foods and coils, for GEA Freezing. 1997年移民到加拿大,进入德商GEA Aerofreeze,从事工业型食品速冻机的研发设计工作。后升任研发部经理,设计开发公司自用的多功能研发试验室。不但能测试各种食品的冷冻曲线,还能试验coil的性能数据,对新型coil的设计,有极大的助益。
Being a resident in Greater Vancouver from 1997, I have a full understanding of the community and what the Buyers and Sellers expect. After retired from GEA Freezing, I jointed RE/MAX. I have never lost my working attitude in engineering field. With my professionalism, extensive knowledge and experience, I have been able to successfully bring many satisfied Buyers and Sellers together. I am creative, energetic, always updated with new technology and the current marketing trends. With my ability of logical analysis, experience and dedication to customer service, you will rest assured that I am 100% committed to bringing results and continually performing beyond expectations. 自1997年住在温哥华,我全然了解社区、知道买家与卖家的需求。自工程界退休后,高分考取房地产经纪执照,加入RE/MAX多年。我做事延续多年工程师与研发工作所养成认真负责、专精研究、一丝不苟的习性。凭藉专业与广泛的市场经验,成功地满足了许多客户的心愿。我是一位极具房地产知识与买卖技术、有创造力、充满精力、充分了解市场趋势、又精于逻辑分析的专业经纪。 现在我应邀为星岛日报旗下时尚生活都市报撰写房地产专栏。 我谨守承诺,委託我买房、卖房,您可已全然放心。我一定超越您的期望。